Advocacy & Issues
NAACP Strategic Plan for a 21st Century
For more than a century, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People has worked to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination. Inspired by the force and commitment of The Call of 1909, which denounced the growing oppression of people of color and mobilized thousands to work to bring this discrimination to an end, the NAACP seeks to establish a strategic direction as it embarks on developing The New Call for the 21st Century.
In the fall of 2011, the NAACP launched a process to develop its strategic direction and plan, creating a powerful vision for the future, and setting organizational goals that would focus its work for the 21st Century.
Criminal Justice
The NAACP advocates for smarter, results-based criminal justice policies to keep our communities safe, including treatment for addiction and mental health problems, judicial discretion in sentencing, and an end to racial disparities at all levels of the system.
The United States is home to the world’s largest prison population. As “tough on crime” laws have put an unprecedented number of non-violent offenders behind bars in recent years, our neighborhoods feel no more secure.
For more information, click here.
Economic Opportunity
Empower local communities with the necessary education, resources, and partnerships to develop sustainable economic models that advance diversity and equity.
Ensure that government and industry are knowledgeable, and committed to bridging racial inequality particularly as it relates to employment, wealth, lending and business ownership.
Grow a movement of concerned citizens and organization who work together to produce an inclusive and strong middle-class economy for the 21st century.
For more, click here.
The Education Committee of the national board, in concert with education chairs and leaders from across the Association, have settled upon a four-prong strategy to improve educational achievement for disadvantaged students:
Increasing Resource Equity: Target funds to neediest kids
Ensuring College & Career Readiness: A path to success after graduation for all students
Improving Teaching: Growing our own great teachers now in underserved communities
Improving Discipline: Eliminate zero tolerance; keep kids in school* All applied to turnaround schools
Environmental & Climate Justice
In the past, and to some extent still now, when people think of environmentalism, they often think of saving the whales or hugging trees! When folks think about climate change, what often comes to mind are melting ice caps and suffering polar bears. Historically, American society has failed to make the connection in terms of the direct impact of environmental injustices, including climate change, on our own lives, families, and communities, all of whom depend on the physical environment and its bounty.
Federal Advocacy
Priorities include:
the promotion and protection of civil rights,
securing a fair and equal criminal justice system,
ensuring high-quality educational opportunities for all Americans,
a fair labor environment, and
securing affordable adequate housing and health care for all Americans.
The mission of the NAACP is to ensure equal political, educational, social, and economic rights for all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination. This mission includes a focus on the right of African Americans and other people of color to have optimal health outcomes and access to timely, quality, affordable health care. African Americans continue to have the highest incidence, prevalence and mortality rates from chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity, and issues like HIV/AIDS continue to overwhelm the Black community more so than any other racial or ethnic group.
The NAACP is committed to eliminating the racial and ethnic inequities that exist within our health care system that undermine communities of color their life opportunities and their ability to contribute fully to the common good.
Media Diversity
The NAACP has fought against negative portrayals of people of color in film and television since “Birth of A Nation” in 1915. Today the NAACP Hollywood Bureau is a satellite of the National office that deals with issues of diversity programming and minority employment in Hollywood, and oversees the production of the NAACP Image Awards.

As the world faces unprecedented times and new realities during this global pandemic, and incidents of hate and domestic terrorism are perpetuated leading to routine brutalization of African-Americans, the health and safety of our people are at an unparalleled risk. Senseless hate crimes and incidence of coronavirus cases and deaths spreading throughout the Black community display the continuance of systematic racism and privilege granted to white people in America. Our communities are experiencing the worst outcomes on all fronts. From every location reporting data in the nation, African Americans are being harmed—both in infections and fatalities—in higher percentages.
We must fight for equality during this uncertain time. We are done dying.
Contract for Black America : Add Your Name
- Ensure every student of color receives a quality public education that prepares him or her to be a contributing member of a democracy.
- Create sweeping police reform–federal legislation mandating a zero-tolerance approach in penalizing and/or prosecuting police officers who kill unarmed, non-violent, and non-resisting individuals in an arrest.
- Ensure quality affordable health care for all people.
- Address the challenging economic realities facing our communities including poverty, lack of jobs and disproportionate high unemployment, lack of affordable housing, foreclosures, etc.