NAACP Ozaukee County Branch Awards
Several scholarships are awarded during our annual Freedom Fund event. We encourage our members, sponsors and patrons to consider becoming an Exclusive or Premier Scholarship Sponsor which includes various incentives leading up to and during our Freedom Fund event.
Student Achievement Award
The Ozaukee County Branch Student Achievement Award is an award of $1,500 given to a current high school senior who attends any high school in Ozaukee County and plans to attend college. Emphasis is placed on GPA. Students apply for the scholarship and selection is made by the Scholarship Committee. The award is renewable for up to four years, contingent upon satisfactory academic progress.
Multicultural Leadership Award
The Ozaukee County Branch Multicultural Leadership Award is an award of $1,000 given to a current high school senior who attends any high school in Ozaukee County and plans to attend college. Emphasis is placed on leadership, particularly in organizations or activities related to diversity and/or social justice. Students apply for the scholarship and selection is made by the Scholarship Committee. The scholarship is for one year and is non-renewable.
Continuing Student Scholarship
The Ozaukee County Branch Continuing Student Scholarship is an award of $1,000 given to a current college student who lives or attends college in Ozaukee County. Emphasis is placed on GPA. Students apply for the scholarship, and selection is made by the Scholarship Committee. This is a one-time scholarship.
Teacher Appreciation Award
The Ozaukee County Branch Teacher Appreciation Award is given to a teacher who works in an Ozaukee County School and who shows leadership and innovation in raising awareness and/or addressing racial inequities. Teachers are nominated for the award in the spring and summer, and the $500 stipend is given in the fall.
Hertz MacFarlane Professional Development Grant
The Hertz MacFarlane Professional Development Grant is given to teachers who work in an Ozaukee County School to offset the costs of professional development (courses, workshops, conferences, etc.) opportunities related to NAACP gamechanger topics and issues. As part of the application process, applicants describe how they will use their training to benefit students or the community. After the training is completed, the awardees give a report at the next Branch meeting. Applicants must be nominated by their principals.
Service Awards
Up to two Branch Service Awards are given annually. One award is bestowed upon an active member whose contributions to the Branch have gone above and beyond the call of duty. The member is nominated secretly by the Executive Committee, and the award is presented at the Freedom Fund. In addition, the recipient’s photo and biography appear in that year’s Freedom Fund booklet. A second award can be given to an organization which has been highly supportive of the Branch or whose work aligns with Branch priorities.
Gamechanger Award
Gamechanger Awards are given to individuals or organizations who have distinguished themselves in one of the six NAACP game-changer areas: economic sustainability, education, health, pubic safety & criminal justice, voting rights and political representation, and youth engagement.

Frances Hook Award
The prestigious Women in the NAACP (WIN) award named after Frances Dancy Hook, its co-founder, recognizes women who have made and are making pioneering or significant contributions to their communities through their professional careers or through volunteerism and advocacy work.